Friday, December 12, 2014

Every girl has three guys

Every girl has three guys
in her life.
The one she loves...
The one she hates...
and the one sh can't live
without. And in the end,
they are all the same guy.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

break your heart

It's Better to break
Your Own Heart by
Leaving, rather than
Having that person 
break your heart
every day you're
With them

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Teenage post

Teenage post 

You deserve a nice boy who texts you back and buys you tcos and doesn't kiss other girls behind your back and who makes you laugh and thinks your funny. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Love poetry

Love is sipping coffee together from the same cup. 
Love is laying the table when she is cooking. 
Love is making the bed when she is washing the dishes. 
Love is watching her favorite movies and listening to her favorite songs. 
Love is cooking for her when she is tired . 
Love is keeping her head in your lap when she has a headache and putting her to sleep. 
Love is not about how many times you say that you love her ..
it is about how many times you show it 
because love is the silence between two hearts 
that connect to each other in every way..

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Never ignore a person who loves You

Never ignore a person who loves You,
Because one day, 
You might wake up from your sleep 
and realize that you lost the moon 
while counting the stars

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Kissing my lovers Tamil love quote

This is the picture of lovers kissing scene explain with Tamil love quote picture message.

My Love Thoughts

My Love Thoughts 

This is the love words in Tamil picture message. Love feelings words , Love Quotes , Love message 
Facebook picture message download free  

Thursday, September 4, 2014

How love changes - mobile sms

How love Changes 

 Before Marriage ,   
  Roses are red ,

  Violets are blue ,

  You are very beautiful in I love You !

 After Marriage ,

  Roses are dead ,

  I'm going blue ,

  You get on my nerves ,

  Someday  I'll Kill You !!!

Tags : Love SMS, Love Message, Love Story, lovers talks, Kadhalil Sodhapuvadhu Yeppadi

Monday, June 16, 2014

Facebook Tamil boy's love failure sms

Imaikkum En Kankal
Unnai Paarkaamal
Aanaal Thudikkum En
Unnai Patri Ninaikaamal

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Tamil Love Facebook Girls Share Message

Tamil Love Facebook Girls Share Message

Unnodu Irukkum
Ponnana Nimidangal
Ennalum Thodarnthida
Enguthu Nenjam

Monday, May 19, 2014

Saturday, April 5, 2014

The reality of life nowadays

Some people are so lucky that
    Even after hurtng,
    They get so much love  &
    Some are so UNLUCKY that
    Even after giving so much love
    They alwys get hurt..! that's the reality of life nowadays..


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Want to be a Part Of Yours Life.

Don't Beg for Anyone to Stay
In your Life
If They Want to be a Part Of Yours Life... ?

They Stay !

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

We search the person

True Fact :
When we are happy...
We search the person- we love the


"When we are sad...

We search the person- who loves us
the most..."

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Who is beauty, Girl or moon?

'GIRL' asked: "Who is beautiful, me or moon?

best answer given by boy: "I don't know but when I see U I 4get d moon & when I see the moon I remember U.!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Feel my love

Facebook love message . One side lovers , Tami lovers facebook shares message . Tamil girls facebook shares. Indian girls lovely photo . Muslim girlfriend

Thursday, March 27, 2014

My boyfriend has no ball's

This article I read from . It is women magazine . Very useful for young women

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A True Love Story - Chapter I

A True Love Story.


The name of Linda Mellet carries the
mind far back in time and far away in
space, and asks the heart to transfer itself

to the banks of the Mississippi and to the
earliest days of this century. The Mellet
family had left France when Louisiana was
still in possession of the old nation. The
fame of the great river, of its fertile banks
and perennial spring, had induced some of
the poets of an earlier day to call that district
the" Second Eden."

Inasmuch as the term "Eden" sounded
oftentimes like an exaggeration, the region
was named Louisiana, after the eighteen
monarchs who had lived and perished between
778 and 1773. Between Charles the
Great and Louis Phillippe, there stood a
long line of Louis's. Distinguished
among these were Louis Ie Debonnaire,
Louis the Child, Louis the Bavarian, Louis
the German, Louis the Stammerer, Louis
the Simple, Louis the Sluggard, Louis the
Fat, Louis the Pious, Louis the Lion,
Louis the Obstinate and Louis the XIV.

When France contemplated the histories
and the tombs of all these illustrious
children, she took away from our southwest
the,name of "New Eden," and called it
" Louisiana." Soon afterward a part of

the west bank of the river sunk under such
a tremendous weight of French virtue.
The marble home of Linda Mellet
escaped this submergence, but from her
attic window she could see the tops of the
sunken forest, and where once had stood
cypress trees a hundred feet in height were
to be seen now a few green bushes growing
out of the new lake, which had been
. excavated by the awful machinery of
nature. This tract of land was eighty
miles long and seventy wide, and was more
than six months in sinking out of the sight
of the beautiful Linda.
The parents of this girl, whose history
became at last a more impressive shock to
the southwest than the earthquake of New
Madrid, brought to the new world great
wealth as well as great taste. They erected
at once a home that was in full sympathy
with the architectural glory of Louis
the Magnificent. The home of Linda was
on a high bank on the west side of the
river. On the front it reached over nine
hundred feet; while in depth the structure,
which assumed the shape of two ells, ran

back 270 feet. In the open court in the
rear the western sun made possible all the
flowers and fruits of the tropics. Governed
by the kind hand of the amiable girl this
rear court was a perfect bower for all the
birds of bright plumage and sweet song.
So wild and untouched by man was the
landscape that often when Linda, by waving
her parasol, was scaring the buffaloesc
from the front porch she could hear the
American nightingale singing. in the :fig
trees at the other end of the long hall.
The attic-room to which allusion has
been made was the resort and retreat of
the gifted young woman only in hours
when she wished to work at the musical
sonnets which were rapidly giving her a
local fame. Her own proper room was on
the second floor, and being fifty feet in
width ran back a hundred and thirty-two
feet to the open court. A second course
of marble columns graced the front of her
apartment. The stone, the ironwork, the
brass, the fastenings, the mahogany carvings
all came in sailing vessels from

The floor of Linda's chamber was
carpeted with rugs which had been recaptured
from a pirate's ship that had overhauled
merchantmen plying between the
Orient and Boston. These costly fabrics
had been confiscated by Lord Bellamont
in 1699 and had been purchased by an
ancestor of this beautiful girl.
Her bedstead was made of mahogany
and on this dark wood was almost endless
filigree of silver. ·.On the top of each __
post was a globe of gold so made __
of them told the sleeper the 
day, another the day of the month
the day's lesson from the Book
man Prayer, the fourth played 
beautiful French melodies. 
Before the east windows of 
lay the Mississippi, with its deep 
of prophecy regarding a wonderful 
lie; before the west windows lay the
savannahs, where grass mingled with vine
and shrub; where the dogwood excelled
the magnolia in whiteness, while the magnolia
excelled the dogwood in perfume.
In one of these half-forgotten years

Parents Lovers - true love story

Girl: What can u do for me?
Boy: Everything...
Girl: Can u leave your parents
Boy: Sorry dear, I can't leave my old
GOD for a new Temple!
Parents Lovers

Tags : love story's , love joke's, lovers talks, tamil kama story's

Friday, March 21, 2014

I love you is mathematical

'I LOVE YOU' Is A Mathematical Function
Where ' I Love 'Is Constant
'You' Is A

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Actress Nameetha hot shower bath Photo

Actress Nameetha hot shower bath Photo
Tamil Sexy Queen Kundu Actress Nameetha very sexy Bath scene
NAmeetha hot bath photo

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Hot sexy underwear shooting


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Every Love Story Sister Supports Brother

Every Love Story Sister Supports
Brother Never Support Sister
You Know Why ?
Because Sister Know What Love
Brother Knows What Boys Are !

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Friendship in Love

Life is like railway station
Love is like a train
Friendship is like railway track

Sri divya sexy smile image

South indian cute actress varutapadatha vaalipar sangam heroine sri divya very cute sexy smile photo

Love very special

Falling in Love
Is very Easy but
Staying in Love
Is very special !

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Biggest Tragedy of Love

Biggest Tragedy of Love -.

Boys r very"Gud selectors" But not"Gud Lovers" .

Girls are Very"Gud Lovers" But not"Gud Selectors"..!!

Love you Back

If a person whom u love doesn't love u back.. 

Don't worry!!! 

They lost a person who loves them a lot 
and u lose a person who doesn't love you....



God sent a Flower
 Jesus,  Great a Lover, 
Granting a favor, 
Lasting for ever!  

Simple as a dove 
Symbol of Love,  
From Heaven above, 
 Thirsting for love!  

Humble and meek
Came for the weak:
  With love in its peak,  
He came to seek 

Accept that Flower,  
Jesus,  the Lover, 
 In life be clever,  
To add his flavor!  

Life on earth,  

Make it worth, 
 From your birth 
Till your death-

 To be clear, 
You are dear, 
Have no fear
 God is near

 You are precious,
 To be gracious
 God's special,
 That is essential! 

Do your best
 In your test 
Wish you the best, 
And all the rest. 


Monday, March 3, 2014

Love measuring device

Once a girl asked a boy- why we have units to measure weight, height, force, speed, distance etc.
But nothing to measure Love, Trust, frndship! Why??
Boy thought! For a while, took her in his arms, looked into her deep eyes and said-
Dimag mat chaat, pit vit jayegi, already physics me fail hu!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Love attack your mind

Love is the 

Strongest of all emotions 

for it attacks 

not only your heart 

but also your mind