Friday, December 12, 2014

Every girl has three guys

Every girl has three guys
in her life.
The one she loves...
The one she hates...
and the one sh can't live
without. And in the end,
they are all the same guy.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

break your heart

It's Better to break
Your Own Heart by
Leaving, rather than
Having that person 
break your heart
every day you're
With them

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Teenage post

Teenage post 

You deserve a nice boy who texts you back and buys you tcos and doesn't kiss other girls behind your back and who makes you laugh and thinks your funny. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Love poetry

Love is sipping coffee together from the same cup. 
Love is laying the table when she is cooking. 
Love is making the bed when she is washing the dishes. 
Love is watching her favorite movies and listening to her favorite songs. 
Love is cooking for her when she is tired . 
Love is keeping her head in your lap when she has a headache and putting her to sleep. 
Love is not about how many times you say that you love her ..
it is about how many times you show it 
because love is the silence between two hearts 
that connect to each other in every way..

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Never ignore a person who loves You

Never ignore a person who loves You,
Because one day, 
You might wake up from your sleep 
and realize that you lost the moon 
while counting the stars